Friday, June 18, 2010

Mature Videogames are for Mature People Only

Don't you find it annoying when you see a kid just walk in a video-game store and walk out with the latest version of Grand Theft Auto? I think video-game stores should enforce the rating system much stricter and less lenient. If these kids can simply walk into the store and buy these extremely violent video-games then what's the point of the rating system? All these kids can get harmed by these games and can get influenced badly. These games might make them more violent and aggresive and can alter their perception of reality. The employees of the stores should check their ID to make sure they are at the right age to experience these games.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Technology, The Love of My Life

I bet no one would survive without the comfort of good ol' technology. Technology has quickly become of the most important things of our lives. What has started as luxury has quickly turned into a necessity. I know some people today who feel uncomfortable or frustrated when they go out and realize that they forgot their cell-phone at home (Thats me too!). I mean everyone now depends on a computer or the internet to complete a project. The comfort of technology though, can also be bad for us like eating Mcdonalds everyday of the week. The comfort can makes us lazy too so we should be careful. We should treat our relationship with technology with a careful balance of not relying on it too much.

Public Washrooms are Public Menaces!

Public Washrooms are just plain disgusting. Isn't it just revolting to open a washroom stall and to see a toilet smothered in feces? (Yeah I know what a disgusting thought). Restaurants should do a better job cleaning their washroom for their customers! The last thing you want to see after enjoying a scrumptious meal is the "terror" lurking behind the washroom stall. It's not only the employees of the restaurant to do the job. Customers too should chip in and clean the washrooms! I don't mean start grabbing a mop and start sweeping! It could be the simple thing like ACTUALLY flushing after using the toilet.

Facebook + Children = BAD!

It's that simple, Facebook should not be used by children between the ages of 9-12. These kids can face many dangers through this very popular social-networking site. One of the main reasons why they should not use Facebook is peer-pressure. Through the media depicted in Facebook, kids are concerned about their weight and appearance. Kids are ssuddenly become materialistic because they being peer-pressured in Facebook. Another reason is that kids are being used to communicate behind a computer screen. They are not learning how to communicate face-to-face which could lead to social awkwardness and bad communication skills in life. Finally, Facebook can be addicting and distract kids from their homework.

Summer Uniform Madness!

I believe that school uniform during the last couple of weeks of school should be less strict. The blazing, hot temperatures are constant throughout the days and the last thing you want to wear are baggy, uncomfortable uniform pants. With the added pressure of ISU'S and exams, the least teachers and the school can do is let us wear atleast some comfortable non-uniform clothes. I'm not saying for jeans day for everday of the week. I'm suggesting that we should be allowed to wear shorts or open-toed footwear so we can be comfortable through the pressure-filled summer days.